

A wide range of pharmaceutical services, personalised to meet your needs.

Services Provided



Our team of qualified pharmacists, technicians and pharmacy assistants have supported the community with trustworthy information, quality products and health advice for decades. The World Health Organisation (WHO) advocates for patient centred care, where better information leads to better healthcare. This is why we are here for you during times of illness and good health. We are always happy to answer any health-related questions and to offer personalised health advice. Our wide range of services are customised to meet your needs.


When it comes to the flu, annual vaccinations help protect you and your family against catching this year’s flu strain. Our pharmacists have been safely administering influenza vaccinations since 2014. As of 2019, we can now also administer vaccines for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) to adults aged 16 years and over. This service is recommended for anyone who wishes to protect themselves against these infections. Recently there has been an upsurge of measles, and whooping cough in the community, some of which has been acquired from overseas infestations. Therefore this is an important service for family/friends of a newborn, potential travelers or patients who are planning to be (or are) pregnant. Consult with one of our pharmacists for further information or visit


Compounding is a customised service we offer for our patients, who for various reasons cannot take the commercially manufactured pharmaceutical drugs. This service is usually offered for medical or personal reasons. These may include if the correct strength of medication is not available, when the patient has difficulty swallowing, is allergic to one of the non-active ingredients of the existing formulation, or for infants and babies where adding a flavour makes the medication more palatable. Our compounding laboratory is accredited and we use PCCA or Medisca compounding suppliers. For further online information on our compounding service visit


For many decades we have been committed to providing the opioid treatment program to members of our community. This service includes daily methadone and buprenorphine dosing, suitable for clinically stable patients who are undergoing the appropriate medical and clinical support. Our pharmacy aims to provide this daily treatment in a friendly and non-judgemental environment. For further online information on our opioid treatment program visit


We know that not all patients have access to transport, especially if you are elderly or unwell. Our complimentary home delivery service has you covered every day of the week! A staff member from our friendly team can deliver medicine to your door 7 days a week during our business hours. Surrounding suburbs of Redfern, Surry Hills, Chippendale, Eveleigh, Waterloo and Alexandria all qualify for this complimentary service. To take advantage of this service give us a call on (02) 9698 2155 to place an order.


Home Medication Reviews (also known as HMRs) are a complimentary service offered by our pharmacists to members of the community who are on multiple medications. Medications assessment includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins and supplements. The pharmacist will assess to see whether there are any drug interactions, check dosages, compliance and expiry dates. If required, the pharmacist can also make recommendations to increase/decrease your doses, or de-prescribe some medications. Assistance may also be provided with the usage of devices such as inhalers, blood pressure monitors and blood glucose monitors. A report will be written following the review and sent to your GP, who will then give you a ‘Medication Management Plan’. For further information visit


High blood pressure has no obvious symptoms. This is why regular monitoring helps with early detection. Our complimentary blood pressure monitoring and recording service is a great way to regularly monitor your blood pressure. Uncontrolled high blood pressure over the long term can lead to a heart attack or stroke, so it is very important to have these checks regularly to catch any problems, issues or changes early on and to take appropriate action. There are many ways to keep your blood pressure under control, and our pharmacists are here to offer monitoring, advice, recommendations and therapies that can assist in lowering your blood pressure. Referral to medical support is also offered if required. For further online information on blood pressure visit


The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) that our pharmacy is involved with is an initiative run by the Australian Government and assisted by Diabetes Australia. Through this program we provide subsidised syringes, needles, test strips, urine tests and continuous glucose monitoring products for customers with diabetes. If you would like to know more about this scheme, or purchase products to assist with your treatment, come speak to one of our friendly staff who can assist you with your enquiries. For further online information about the NDSS program visit


Our dose administration aids provide weekly medication packing services for the local community. The service offers a sealed single-use weekly pack designed to help customers take their medication correctly to ensure compliance — the correct dosage, on the correct date and at the correct time, as prescribed by the doctor. These packs are suitable for all age groups, and are designed to be as simple as possible to use. Weekly dose administration aids are strongly recommended by many medical practitioners.

MEDsCHECKs and diabetes medschecks

Medschecks (also known as Medication Reviews) and Diabetes Medschecks are conducted in the pharmacy. This is a patient orientated service that involves reviewing medicines, monitoring, educating and self-management. The primary aim of the Medscheck service is to identify any problems, understand interactions between medicines, and to educate patients about how to best use and store their medicines. The Diabetes Medscheck is a similar service that provides a review of medications but is focused on diabetic patients. For further information visit

ASTHMA management and SCREENINGS

Our pharmacists are trained to help you get the most from your asthma medicines, especially regarding your inhaler technique. We are here to ensure that you are getting the right dose of medication from your inhaler, to help keep your symptoms under control and to identify any triggers that may make your asthma worse. This screening service may often involve working together with your GP to help develop an Asthma Action Plan — an individual plan created by you and your doctor that will assist in managing your asthma. Everyone’s asthma is different, so it is important to speak to a healthcare professional about creating a customised treatment plan. For further asthma related information visit us in store or


Are you requiring a certificate for absence from work? Did you know that our pharmacists are now authorised to issue these certificates to you? The certificates we can issue are used for many different purposes including: sick leave, compassionate leave, family leave, maternity leave, a compensation claim, health and welfare benefit entitlements, or for evidence of illness or injury. Speak to our pharmacists who are available to assist you with this service. For further online information about the NDSS program visit